Let's Have Fun With
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Thank You For Choosing Ai-Enlighten

We are here to guide & support your Ai journey

Ai can be fun, understandable, and practicable.

Your Four Ai Basics:

  1. Ai computers Are Now Learning To Think Like Us!

  2. Machines percieve, reason, & problem-solve like humans.

  3. “People” use their “brains” to think & process.

  4. “Ai Computers” think & process with “microchips”.

A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Ai


What is a microchip and why is it so important? 

  • MICROCHIPS are small electronic device controls and stores electronic data.  An example can be found on your credit card.

  • They made up of a silicon chip that is fabricated into a very small size.  Silicon is a product found in nature and it is very good at conducting electricity, which makes it the perfect choice for microchips so they can quickly store and process information.

  • Ai Chips  are microchips that is designed for Artificial Intelligence applications.
  • These chips have been specifically designs to handle high  computational demands of training and running deep neural networks.
  • The basic premise behind an AI chip is referred to as machine learning.  AI chips can handle trillions of operations per second.
  • They learn, train, develop quicker, & more efficiently than humans.
  • Ai Microchip are high end technology dominated by the West.
  • A war in technology has broken out over Ai Microchips.

Discover The World of

Ai Hardware

AI hardware provides the underlying physical components and infrastructure needed for AI

Learning the Basics of

Ai Devices

Physical products and applications that allow users to interact with AI:

Innovation on Display

Ai Software

New Ai software brings exciting new experiences to your devices.  Software innovations continue long after the hardware and devices mature.

The Future

Ai People

For Hundreds of years, every generation experiences new technological changes.  We are no different.  AI will speed up and change how we do things.

Incredible Potential

See the incredible potential for yourself

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